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Are You Actually Stuck in Similar Situation Like Lee Family?

Updated: Jan 24

Finally, the 3-year wait is over, and the construction of the HDB BTO flats is completed. 🎉

Now, the Wong family and their neighbours, the Lee family get their keys to move into their respective new BTO homes. They are so excited and looking towards to move into their matrimonial homes.

3-Year Construction of BTO Finally Over!

Finally Hit 5-Year MOP! Yay!

Time flies, the 5-year Minimum Occupation Period (MOP) mark has finally reached. 🎊


Wong family chanced upon one of the articles on will holding HDB for long make good investment decision? 🤔


In the end Wong Family decided to upgrade where as Lee Family stayed put.


What makes Wong family made the leap of faith to upgrade? What makes Lee family to be skeptical? What will happen to Wong family and Lee family in the end?

Watch the video here to find out more:

Feel clueless and confused? You can read more articles which are created to clear common doubts most people have or to answer common questions sellers / buyers ask me all the time.

Read other useful articles:



You could be like Lee family who has been holding your property for very long and have not realized that the value of property has been fluctuating up and down which might not be favourable to you. Be like Wong family, upgrade when it is still possible at your comfort level.


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